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Substance Use Disorder Treatment

Reveal Your True Self at Revelare Recovery Center.

Happy female client having substance use disorder treatment session, smiling, sitting on couch at clinicRevelare Recovery Center is a women-only behavioral health treatment facility in Atlanta, Georgia, specializing in treating co-occurring mental health conditions, including Eating Disorders (EDs) and Substance Use Disorders (SUDs). Led by experienced and knowledgeable professionals passionate about filling gaps in women’s care, the center offers various programs and services that incorporate growth, transformation, and feminine energy. Contact Revelare Recovery today at 888.341.0244 to learn more about our women’s Substance Use Disorder treatment programs in Atlanta, GA. A happier, healthy future is possible.

What Are Substance Use Disorders?

Substance Use Disorders encompass a broad range of problematic behaviors around using addictive substances, such as:

Substance dependence and substance abuse are both included under the category of SUD. Substance dependence is characterized by a physical and psychological dependence on the substance, whereas substance abuse is defined by repeated use despite negative consequences. However, not all addictions are SUDs. Process addictions such as gambling or shopping can also lead to disordered behaviors and require treatment.

Why Is Substance Use Disorder Treatment for Women Necessary?

Substance Use Disorder treatment for women is necessary for several reasons. Women often face different challenges in addiction treatment than men. Gender-specific addiction treatment can help men and women feel more comfortable and open up about their experiences. In addition, gender-specific therapy helps to address power dynamics in relationships that may contribute to Substance Use Disorder.

Women are victims of sexual violence more frequently than men, which can lead to increased use of drugs or alcohol. A gender-specific approach can help women address these issues in a safe and secure environment. It can also help them build a support network of other women who understand their experiences. Women also experience Depression and Anxiety at higher rates than men, which can make them more prone to substance misuse. Additionally, women often face unique social pressures that can contribute to substance use.

Revelare is a woman-only recovery center dedicated to helping those struggling with addiction. This means we offer programs designed to address women’s unique concerns, such as body image issues and trauma, which often contribute to substance abuse.

Women-specific addiction treatment programs at Revelare Recovery offer a safe and supportive space that encourages open dialogue and sharing. Women’s treatment programs also focus more on developing healthy communication and coping skills that align with feminine energy.

What to Expect from Revelare Recovery's Substance Use Disorder Treatment Programs in Atlanta, GA

Undergoing treatment for substance abuse at a women-only facility offers several benefits. Some advantages include:

At Revelare Recovery Center, we approach addiction treatment holistically, considering the whole person. Our Substance Use Disorder treatment programs begin with understanding each woman’s unique needs and involve evidence-based therapies, such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Trauma Therapy. Our support network includes experienced, highly trained therapists, medical professionals, and nutritionists. At Revelare Recovery, we also offer Yoga Therapy and Nutritional Counseling, serving women seeking recovery with a comprehensive and customized approach.

Call Revelare Recovery Center Now

Our Substance Use Disorder treatment for women at Revelare Recovery Center offers a holistic approach with the whole person in mind. Our women’s substance abuse treatment programs are tailored to each woman, offering safe support and a space for women to address their specific issues and challenges. At Revelare Recovery, we provide expert care and evidence-based treatments to facilitate healing, growth, and transformation. If you’re struggling with addiction, we invite you to learn more about Revelare Recovery’s Substance Use Disorder treatment program in Atlanta, GA, by calling 888.341.0244 and taking the first step toward recovery today.