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Compulsive Overeating: What it is, Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Compulsive Overeating

Binge eating disorder is essentially overeating disorder which is then marked by eating over larger amounts of food than usual when one feels that he cannot control this. It is different from merely indulging in food or even gorging, that is taking more than the recommended amount of food at a certain time. Bulimia is a severe problem which causes many people to gain a lot of weight, get diabetes, hypertension and other ailments.

While overweight can affect both sexes, the literature establishes that females tend to binge and emotionally eat than males. Several studies posit that women comprise up to 1. They are 5 times more likely to have binge eating disorder as compared to males out there. Seeing these reasons, this gender disparity has been explained by biological and psychological causes, apart from food and body weight which is a major concern among women.

Symptoms of Compulsive Overeating

The primary sign of compulsive overeating is eating beyond one’s control for the type or quantity even when one wants to stop. So, excessive users say that they desire the ability to cease after starting a binge episode but cannot do so. Other symptoms include:

– Consuming much faster than normal consumption

– Eating beyond the normal portion control that should be allowed per meal or even consuming food when not hungry.

– Savoring foods or drinking beverages when one is not actually famished

– Becoming disgusted, depressed and or guilty after some episodes of overeating

What Causes Compulsive Overeating?

The specific reasons for compulsive overeating are still under research, although numerous variables are thought to contribute: The particular factors of compulsive overeating remain under study, while a set of conditions is assumed to play a role:

What Causes Compulsive Overeating

Biological Factors: Among such factors, it has been possible to mention heredity hormones as well as the chemicals within the human brain.

Psychological Factors: Precisely, anxiety, fear, low mood, and low self-image cause the eating disorder of compulsive eating.

Dietary Factors: Going on a diet does not mean eating less, it actually means starving, and when one starts eating more after some time, the body is trying to replenish the supply that was lost.

Social and Cultural Factors: Factors such as negative societal influence and unrealistic body images proposed by society force people to eat in an unhealthy manner.

Treatment Options for Compulsive Overeating

Therefore, an individual who believes he or she is suffering from compulsive overeating disorders should see a doctor.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): More particularly, CBT elevates negative perceptions and behaviors towards food and eating, which are considered healthy.

Interpersonal Therapy (IPT): IPT heaves from the enhancement of interpersonal interactions while addressing the problem of anger management and the avoidance of the utilization of food as self-comforting mechanisms.

Nutritional Counseling: A patient is mentioned to be on a meal plan formulated by a licensed dietitian, where portion size and the overall nutritional value of foods consumed may have been taken into consideration.

Medications: It is also going to accept other medicines like depressants or hormones that control appetite.

Benefits of Treatment

The following are some of the benefits that individuals can enjoy when they go for compulsive overeating treatment or also known as Binge Eating Disorder (BED). Here are some of the key improvements you can expect:

Regain Control of Eating: The management consists of helping the patient choose proper dietary actions and portions to prevent being eaten by food.

Improved Physical Health: Overeating that results from bulimia can cause progressive overweight conditions and other in a given individual. Indeed, health care can actually facilitate the conditions for effective weight management or a decrease in the risk factors for developing certain diseases.

Better Emotional Wellbeing: As for the predisposing state, psychotherapy can be useful when the patient suffers from depression or anxiety disorder, which may cause the COE. This in turn can have the effect of giving a more general improvement in temper and attitude about oneself. With such incentive systems in place, a person may have better chances of carrying out tasks

Develop Healthy Coping Mechanisms: It can enable learning ways of dealing with stress and other difficult states of being that are not through food.

Improved Relationships: This implies that the sufferers of compulsive overeating are highly likely to be socially limited or have a poor social life. Like any other thing in people’s daily lives, the way people conduct themselves in the process of eating can enhance interaction with other individuals.

Additional Tips for Managing Compulsive Overeating

While professional assistance is required, here are some self-management measures you may implement: Here, however, are several steps that you can take if you are preparing to self-manage:

Mindful Eating: Also, identify what would provide signals that could inform you when you are hungry or full. It is more strategic to eat reasonable portions and be more careful and selective about what you are actually consuming than to eat many large meals at a time.

Identify Triggers: Name conditions that cause binge eating and describe the interventions for coping with the conditions.

Plan meals and Snacks: Perhaps one gets to avoid the unhealthily dictated choices that one makes when unhealthy foods are available and improved foods are not.

Create a Support System: Browse through friends, relatives, or a therapist if the issue is one that is troubling you frequently. Perhaps an organization of some sort can be very useful quite often.

Practice self-compassion: This is normally followed by feelings of guilt and negativity towards oneself for having troubled a particular binge session. I proceed to acknowledge to myself that it contains such and such errors and correct them, never to be repeated.

Eating disorder through binge eating, to be precise, is one of the worst types of eating that, if not treated, has heinous consequences for the bodily system and the mind as well.

This is important to remember: overeating is not something that one can alter within one or a few days, it is a process. Therefore, it is not out of the realm of possibility for you to improve the way you feel about and relate to food and… live a healthy and present life.

Treatment Options for Compulsive Overeating


If, maybe, you have a friend or yourself who has a problem with compulsive eating, he or she has to find help. In general, if one gets the right treatment coupled with some accurate instructions, obesity has to be very easily fought off and, in equal measure, many people can be given better and improved lives.

The best course of action in terms of the above symptoms is to seek help as early as possible once one gets any of them. That being true, If you would like to start the process and care for your true self, please call us

If you want to begin the process of caring for your true self, please contact us at the assisting facilities at (888)-341-0244. Revelare Recovery in Atlanta offers a variety of therapies to help women with eating disorders, the urge for compulsive overeating, and behavioral rehabilitation.

For further information and resources, consider contacting the following organizations:

National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA):

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics:

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI):

By openly discussing compulsive overeating and seeking help, you can create a path towards a healthier and happier you.